Song of the Thorn Bird

Song of the Thorn Bird

Monday, March 29, 2010

Promise (Mag 7)

quiescent unborn-soul buried lying, dying in the filth and muck of His plan
     bleak night, winter’s bitter cold, deluge of life

tiny-nothing seed forced to grow roots, twisting, clawing, taking hold
     fearless fight, hope’s untainted warmth, dawn before birth

tender seedling-soul bursts forth, writhing, grasping , gasping Him in
     glorious light, miracle’s brilliant glow, incarnation of promise

I took this photo at the Sherwood Forest Faire last weekend.  In the middle of a trampled path grew this one lovely flower, as if defying the universe.  I loved the juxtaposition of dead-gray dirt and the vibrancy of the flower.  When I saw the shot on my computer, I kept hearing the refrain, "Bloom where you are.  Bloom where you are. Bloom where you are."  Sometimes, to bloom where you are is to be reborn unto yourself.


This story was written for the prompt at Magpie Tales.


Enchanted Oak said...

Your prose poem fits that photo you took perfectly. All that root-growing, struggling toward life... And then the glorious flower. My Magpie prompt is up too.

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful analogy for life. Yes striving striving for the sun. Striving to get through all the trash and rocks and dry dirt. I love it. Blessings

Pauline said...

"incarnation of promise" is so apt!

Tess Kincaid said...

"incarnation of promise" grabbed me as well. Yes, bloom where you're planted!

Pete Goulding said...

Would we all were as tenacious and trusting as the daffodil! Nice one!

rel said...

a new day dawns with the persistance of eternity, and your words capture this eloquently.

Lyn said...

I so like "the incarnation of promise" present incarnation, for sure!! thank you!

Vicki Lane said...

Great pic of the daffodil making the best of a bad situation!

Angie Muresan said...

Those words so full of hope, a promise of the blessings of perseverance.

Eric S. said...

Great poem, so fitting of the lone bloomer you captured on film..

Jan of Thousand Acres said...

Very nice poem, hope and promise - lovely.

Aoife.Troxel said...
