Song of the Thorn Bird

Song of the Thorn Bird

Friday, April 16, 2010


If time were trapped in a pocket watch
     golden timepiece that could be rewound
     to a single defining moment
    changing the course of an entire lifetime,
Would I go back to that right turn just to go left?
     to that yes to shout “No!”?
     to that no to whisper “Yes.”?
     to take back the dream snatched from my grasp?
     to reject what was “just for the best”?

This time-catcher, caressed by patina of time
     remains just an ordinary pocket watch
     tick-tocking away the moments of my life
     metronome to each judgment made in the moment.
I would not go back to turn left simply to do so.
     to shout the unpredictable no.
     to whisper the unanswerable yes.
     to dream a forgotten reverie.
     to reject what I could not understand.

I stand in this moment with complete understanding
     where I have chosen to be
     with a golden pocket watch, lifetime companion,
     reminding me, “Make the most of what you are given.”

A piece inspired by Magpie Tales.


Pauline said...

I'd never considered a watch to be a "time-catcher"... until now.

Kalei's Best Friend said...

Yep a watch most definitely can be a time catcher....well written!. I love this side of you... You're one damn talented woman..

Stella Jones said...

If only we could capture time and bend it for our own desires. I enjoyed your poem - just the right length and cleverly crafted.
Blessings, Star

Yemalla said...

Ah! Haven't we all wished to recapture a moment and change what we said or did? Very nice.

Rob Kistner said...

Fine little piece here and the prompt lent itself quite well to your interpretation -- well written...
Image & Verse

CM said...

Beautiful. No regrets, my friend, no regret.

Vicki Lane said...

Very, very nice! Like the Piaf song - Je ne regrette rien -- I regret nothing!

spacedlaw said...

I love the idea of the time catcher.

christine said...

A really thoughtful poem.. I loved the line This time-catcher, caressed by patina of time,,, Beautiful


Catalyst said...

Lisa, very well written. We must all avoid living in the past.

Brian Miller said...

brilliant piece lisa...perhaps i should learn from you. th form is great and the tale so true...i would not change a thing...

Lyn said...

I thoroughly agree with your point of view..very good poem!

Peter Goulding said...

Excellent take on the pocket watch. Better to live the moment than regret paths not taken.
Well constructed poem

Tess Kincaid said...

I totally agree. Thought provoking piece. Nice.

Unknown said...

Very honest and relevant piece!
mine is here
this is my first magpie tale.
have you a great week.

Aoife.Troxel said...

Definitely. Well said :)

R. Burnett Baker said...

An uplifting poem, Lisa. I particularly like "...metronome to each judgment made in the moment". Thought provoking!


joanna said...

Oh if only we had such a magically timepiece to take us back to those moments to shout Yea or Nay and undo the choices we made -- if only,,,

A great thought provoking piece


Helen said...

Very nice indeed ~ totally captured my attention from beginning to end.

Diana (Diane) Maria said...

Watch as a time catcher. This is a lovely piece. I like it.

Jennifer said...

I just love the way it rolls out gently - and its a philosphy I share. Nice one!

C.M. Jackson said...

my favorite line--to reject what I could not understand...beautiful take on the theme! great magpie!

Simonides said...

Truth be told - the temptation to large I'd think go back - just to see what it (or I) might do. To start out new, maybe re-take a test that i did not do my best....... oh and I think I'd take the Jets with the points in Superbowl III.